Dosa /Idli Batter

I love south indian dishes. I have already posted another version of quick idli that is Sooji idli. But today I am posting traditional recipe.Idli is a savory cake of south Indian origin popular throughout India. The cakes are usually two to three inches in diameter and are made by steaming a batter consisting of fermented black lentils (de-husked) and rice. The fermentation process breaks down the starches so that they are more readily metabolized by the body.

4 cups idli rice (U can take any rice but it is better to take idli rice)
1 cup whole urad daal
1 tbsp fenugreek seeds
1 tbsp salt

Idli Rice

Rice urad daal with Fenugreek seeds

Rice Idli

Clean the Rice and urad daal in cold water .Add fenugreek seeds and soak it for 5-6 hours.
Then grind the mixture .Use as little water as possible to grind the batter to a smooth consistency.
Once you see a nice consistency place it in a vessel that has some space for fermentation.
Preheat the over at 200 F for 10- 15 minutes. Turn off and place the vessel in the rack. After 5-6 hours, remove the vessel, pre-heat again for 10 minutes and put back for fermentation.

Once it is fermented you are ready to prepare idli as shown in 3rd image

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